DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
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Every single third party protest vote could have gone to Harris and she still would have heavily lost. She managed to even lose the damn popular vote by five million votes, despite Trump having a lower turnout than 2020.
This wasn’t because people voted third party, this was because at a time when incumbents have seen massive pushback across the globe from Covid inflation and Biden was unpopular across the board she ran as completely the same as Biden but even more Right on the border.
At a time when the politically disconnected working class families that make up the record trunout in 2020 were struggling with wage stagnation, erosion of Covid gains, and greedflation eroding their savings and pensions, four more years of the same but we’ll adopt even more Republican policies and look how many rich Republicans like us was never going to get the everperson off the damn couch.
More of the same is not a good platform for ‘progressives’ during economic hardship, even if it was out of their control and less hardship than most peer nations.
Even though Trump is a disaster for many of us, most people got though his first four years just fine, and don’t understand just how much damage he did or how much more he could do if the guardrails failed.
Getting the general public out to vote requires giving them something they want to vote for, and when the biggest thing you can point to doing or wanting to do more of is some clean energy related tax breaks that is a major problem.
Had the Dems impeached Clarence Thomas for his and his wife’s role in Jan 6, had Biden improved the immigration system like promised, had he provided free National Guard abortion clinics on federal land, had he made the FDA make puberty blockers and abortion medicine available by teleheath and mail, or indeed had any major victories in the last half of his term to show, we would not be here. Had they run AOC, Bernie, Waltz, or anyone at all who could articulate a platform beyond four more years of the same, we would not be here. Had Harris focused on how she could use left wing policy to fight the effects of late stage capitalism, we would not be here.
This election was an unforced error of the highest consequences, and one brought about by a political party that was so confident that until he dies of old age every politically disinterested Amarican would be so scared by the threat of Trump that they would maintain an unprecedented level of voter turnout without them having to actually do or promise anything.
Well said. As soon as Harris started parading Biden around on campaign events and talking about "we love you Joe" I knew it was over. It doesn't matter that a lot of the circumstances were out of his control, to many people Biden's term is associated with hardship. The Dems had a unique opportunity to sidestep the issue by having Harris position herself as a separate candidate, distancing herself from the Biden administration and pushing a narrative of her having different and new ideas for the country. Instead they tried themselves to the status quo in a moment where the everyman is suffering and it pulled them down like a boat anchor.
It's a damn embarrassment, and the whole world is left weeping. Fucking hell.
I blame third party AND non voters. They and MAGA are all the same kind of scum who sacrificed your democracy.
Then, you'll deal with this over and over until America becomes a completely fascist nation. That'll teach those third party and non-voters. At least you'll have your moral high ground, right?
America already will be a completely fascist nation thanks to the fascist enabling non voters
Not yet, it's not completely fascist yet, but with the way you're acting, there's not going to be any significant resistance towards the US becoming a completely fascist country since you're more interested in blaming each other instead of learning from your mistakes and work together to be better. What a defeatist mindset you have.
It will be completely fascist in January. And its thanks to non voters. They deserve all that is coming.
You deserve what is coming, as well, from everything I see you write.
As someone who has also come to this conclusion more than once, it's nice to see I'm not insane (or at least not insane alone). It's frankly ridiculous how many Dem voters support the madness their party has insisted on for at least eight years.
I am not american and if I was I would have voted for Harris. So no. I would not have supported fascism like the non voters and Maga
Your attitude's part of the reason the DNC can't get people to vote, so it's lucky you weren't American, because you would have pushed even more people against going to vote. I guess you are already doing enough harm on the Internet, so congrats. We'll see what damage you can do to your own country's voting demographic, next.
Lol you really are blaming everyone but the people who made the decision to ruin democracy by not voting. But hey maybe its what non voters like you wanted. Now you never need to vote again. Filling out a circle is tough work after all
I am not excusing these people, but I recognize that attitudes like yours that equates them with fascists will not get you the change needed to fight actual fascists. I am calling you out for damaging the chances of the US to fight a complete fall to fascism with your destructive attitude and defeatist mindset.
They are fascists. Its not my choice that makes them fascist its their actions. I am just naming the horse by the name. The US falls completely to fascism. No way around it. And its thanks to Maga and non voters. Its up to the democrat voters to fight the fascism against Maga and non voters who are all the same pile of filth
They don't have a chance with people like you sowing division with no impunity. You're free to label large swathes of people for being a fascist despite there being no proof of them being one, but that puts you on the same level as the MAGAs that only how know to blame everyone else and label them the enemy. I'm sure you're fine with that, because you have your precious moral superiority to cling to while you make the situation worse for everyone around you. Fucking disgusting.
They dont have a chance anyway because non voters chose fascism so there wont be another free election. The proof is their choice here to pick fascism over democracy.
But I agree. Non voters are fucking disgusting.
They don’t care so yes it is on them also. Wasn’t it 10million plus less voters then last time.
20 million. And yes they all deserve it.
Sigh.... It was the second highest voter turn out since 1932 ( when they started really counting). As of right now (total votes are still being counted, and will not finialze for weeks) it is second to 2020 by less then 15 million people.
Once again. This was the second highest voter turnout, people did show up but not for Harris.
And again, non voters and Magas killed democracy. Whats your point? If democracy is not on the line not voting can be acceptable. This time it outed all non voters as fascist enablers.
OK, stick with me here. You are talking about a two party system, and one side is bad, right? You are telling us that everyone "must" vote for the other party and nothing else. And this is to save "democracy"?
Please do yourself a favour and learn reading comprehension. One side is fascist. It doesnt matter what the other side is. You can do your games of "oh you arent perfect so I wont vote" when democracy is not on the line. Because now because of you you wont have another election to influence a party to get better.
Please read what I am inferring, I am not saying people should have voted for anyone else then Harris. My point is you don't get to use the word "democracy" when you don't have more then one choice for voters, that is authoritarianism. When one side is fascist but the other side moves towards them, you needed to (as your founding fathers warned you about) have more then two parties. This was a referendum on the Democratic party, and they failed. Hard. Blaming people was always going to happen, I know that, but maybe learning to not blame the very people you needed to not fall to fascism would be a good start.
I will have another election, one with more then two parties since I am not living in the pit you call the USA.
You are saying one side is "bad" severely downplaying the danger.
I dont have founding fathers. No idea wtf you are on about.
This was a vote between fascism or the continuous existence of democracy. A flawed democracy, sure. One that needs to be reworked. But still better than full on fascism.
I am glad that you, as well as I, will have another election. Americans wont. Because of maga voters and non voters.
My point, once again, is that this is inevitable with any two party system. At the point it comes down to the choice between:
You no longer have a democracy, flawed or otherwise. You have authoritarianism.
Our democracy is still relatively strong even if the fascists get stronger. But america has no more democracy after this election. Correct.
If the non voters would have picked democracy there would have been a chance to get back to a real vote next time. Still only 2 parties which sucks but at least away from fascism. Now there wont be another election due to non voters.
America did not have a democracy going into this election, just a choice of the status quo and fascism. And the people picked fascism, by voting or staying home that choice was made.
America had a democracy. A flawed democracy. But its better than literal fascism and non voters picked the fascism. So they deserve whats going to happen to them
...i'm not sure that's how one builds a coalition...
There wont be a coalition with fascists. You had the vote between fascism and no fascism. If you choose that you dont want to vote for either you support fascism.
Enjoy the unfettered fascism, then, since you refuse to even find allies to fight against it.
Luckily I dont live in the US. But I have family there so I think its terrible people who didnt vote ruin their lifes and future like that. Non voters are no allies. They chose fascism. They are the enemies and there wont be another free election thanks to them and all the Maga garbage who are both on the same level