Sorry for all the people who wanted to see the rabbit go to town.
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs
That's ok, the fact that she maintains the angry eyes while in flight made up for it.
Its ok, I will not hop to conclusion. Im sure youre doing it furr a good reason.
Since I know people will want it, here's the glyph set I'm using for celestial.
I copied Konsi's first two poses from professional baseball photographs. I love how exaggerated baseball throws are.
I love the dedication and work you put into this!
I like how the first one is basically just a Jojo pose lol
OK that's really funny, I didn't understand why it resembles Hebrew and this is very very close (letter names are even the same).
Ignoring the table and reading it in Yiddish (which uses the same letters as in Hebrew with different pronunciation) this read closely to “oh my god“ ("omeged" but close enough)
Edit: reading right to left, of course.
Edit: I realize that E, I and O are the same, so it could be zitoma or something
Edit 2: Yo I got it right!
I thought it looked a lot like Hebrew. You did write it backwards though. And it's out of order in this picture too, ז is the 7th letter in the Hebrew alphabet but here it's listed as the last
I believe this "celestial alphabet" was based loosely on hebrew yes. They've more recently replaced it with their own glyphs, but also not officially published them all so... (shrug) - I just liked the shapes.
This shit is quality, and the art is getting noticeably better as it goes on.
The glyphs translate to "ZETEMA" - which will be of no use to anyone trying to figure out what spell she just cast.
I just assumed she was casting something to transform Razira back into her own body so she could lay the smack down.
She is - but you might as well cast a useful spell when you do that...
I'm imagining Konsi doing the mickey surprise tool pose and now I wish I could draw.
The closest I have are these:
Where did she get the tears in her ears?
From her goblin clan originally.
She's just had a lot of high level healing magic applied to her during her adventuring ties, so little nips like that tend to heal out. (The DMG actually has some guidelines for what levels of magic can heal various forms of minor permanent marks like scarring etc - it's interesting)
What page are those guidelines on?
My DMG is on DnDB so it doesn't have page numbers - I'm getting it from the "lingering injuries" table in chapter 9.
But dropping a polymorph doesnt require casting. Just to stop concentrating
Just read the title of your post and realized you were saying that she was casting a different spell, which ended her rabbit transformation spell.
Cheers to the captain, who is yelling "No surrender!" as his comrades charge a smol priestess and her pet rabbit.
His level of extra is commendable.
I guess Razira can deflect blades with her thighs.
Good for you, Konsi. Good for you.
I have watched this several times and just now notice that the henchman repeating the gah is a kenku and this is hilarious :)
Raziramon, I choose you!
She has Strength, Sword's Dance, Heavy Slam, and Body Press
Body Press
Oh my
Death by snusnu
I hope Konsi survives her first encounter :)
If this comic series ends in the Lincoln assassination, it truly would be a twist no one saw coming.
You have fucked up now
Well it has to be a bonus action cleric spell with concentration because throwing an object is an action, so the options are: Shield of Faith, Holy Weapon or Spirit Shroud. She's not holding a weapon, and it doesn't look like she's summoning spirits of the dead, so I'm going to go with she is casting Shield of Faith.
In this case, I did pick a spell that's a full action. Assume for mechanical accuracy that Konsi's not really "throwing" the rabbit, but the rabbit is jumping, which is what's really giving the distance.
The most powerful spell component: a flexible GM
In this case, even more powerful and deadly: Artistic License
Throwing a polymorphed rabbit would be interaction with an object because I love my players and their creativity
Is something wrong with the pictrs database? I can't see the image... ☹️
I think the community's server is having issues. I don't really know enough about Lemmy to diagnose this.
Here's the direct link to the image in my webspace.
Pulled off so expertly. Have they done this before?
Not this specifically, no... but they're both pretty seasoned adventurers.
My guess is spirit guardians. With the 3 attackers coming over, it would be a shame if they had to take damage to get close enough to attack.