Cool! Key takeaway for me from this is Trump didn't get more popular, Dems just got way less popular. Kind of brings a bit of my hope in humanity back a little
The fact that anyone voted for Trump killed my hope in humanity
In 2016.
Even more so in 2024, since we now saw exactly how he would be. He's added 37 felony counts, the whole classified documents debacle, and more to his resume.
Let's not forget the deaths of over a million Americans due to a wholly inadequate pandemic response. But I stand by what I said, I already lost faith in 2016. It was apparent who he is back then and I am beyond disappointed in my fellow Americans.
Ummm we still have like 5 million votes to count in california alone, stop posting incomplete statistics as if they are comparable to previous years full statistics
Ummm the votes aren't counted but they have been received and accepted, which means the voters' names and parties are known. We were getting numbers of voters by party for weeks before election day as mail-in ballots were received. But you're getting a lot of upvotes so clearly you must be right anyway.
Long shot, but it would be funny af if kamal ends up winning the popular vote
She won’t. But this post is misinformation and should probably be removed.
I get what your saying and I agree, but it's funny/sad that you could add all 5 million of those votes to the Dems and the graphic would still be making the same point.
Dems unmistakeably snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, but it beggars belief that all the indictments and treason didn't undermine Trump's popularity any. The right-wing media machine must be one of the most effective brainwashing apparatuses ever to exist.
He raised a ton of money immediately following the convictions, which he then use to buy world series ads. The convictions without sentencing helped him. That judge knew exactly what she was doing when she delayed sentencing. Welp, it's after the election, so is she going to sentence him? Didn't think so.
They didn't vote "for him" so he didn't matter, they voted instead against trans athletes and forced child trans surgeries and whatever other manufactured conspiracy theories were peddled confidently.
They have perfected targeted misinformation. you should see how many fake accounts there are even in local Facebook groups. It's crazy.
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them..."
They've told you with the "eating the dogs" comments and hundreds of other examples... They aren't afraid to confidently lie to win...
They've told you they believe they are in a way that they would die and kill to win...
Remember, years of false, unsubstantiated outrage is meant to dilute challenge to actual crimes and horror. Some things to think about...
And here's more about voting systems experts that tried to warn early about potential issues like this
We can have measured confirmation, without conspiracy. We will review this election and make evidence-based arguments.
The richest man in the world owns thousands of SW engineers that remain in his companies (after all with any morality have been purged through years of labor abuse). He joked with carlson about how he was completely fucked if trump didn't win. What do you think the richest man in the world is capable of in that moment?
It is surprising that the presidential Democratic candidate finally lost a popular vote after 20+ years, but currently it appears that she just lost. Sure, do a recount of a sample of suspected precincts. I am going to continue to believe that this is a conspiracy theory until substantiated evidence of fraud is provided.
As an aside, those images are small and I could barely read them (zooming didn't increase image size).
I still find it more likely that most of America is just very misogynist and in denial about it.
Do you have more information on that claim that Starship was being used for tabulation in swing states?
People need motivation to vote. A selective tax credit or "other guy bad" simply isn't enough. You can complain all you want about how stupid people are for not voting against fascism, but if you cannot face the reality of voters and how to get them to vote then how much smarter can you really call yourself over others? This is a lesson that apparently needs to be learned every election yet never seems to be learned.
One of my team members is based in the US, and he told me after the election: "The media told us all about how bad Trump was. But nobody ever told us how good Kamala was." I guess voting only for the lesser evil has its limits.
Honestly not even Kamala said how good she was, most of what she was asked she immediately turned into "Trump bad".
Honestly a lot of the questions in interviews were she did that, she was given a tough question that had the easy out of taking the more progressive stance but instead of giving a firm answer she'd attack Trump, presumably because she didn't want to be too "radical" in supporting policies that voters generally like
Progressive issues poll astronomically high across dems, repubs, and independents. Find one. Say you will do it, and people will come vote for it.
The problem also is that there was quite a bit of voter intimidation of people with Trump flags heavily armed in some places "to make sure it's a fair election", Trump supporters choosing violence, and other issues like ballot boxes being burned, and ballots not coming to people preventing them from voting.
This could help explain why 10 million less votes happened this year for the Democrats because they could have been fearful of voting or just unable.
(And this also doesn't include mailing ballots just being refused to be counted over simple issues as signatures not looking close enough to what's on file.)
The ones who didn't show up elected Trump. Good job, self-righteous dipshits.
I can believe that Trump won on the backs of "people voting only for Trump and no one else on the ballot", since Trump was running far ahead of all the other republican candidates. Means once Trump dies of old age, there will be a power vacuum. Remember, democrats have run two women and Biden in the decade span that republicans have only ran Trump.
Although I've been pointing at these numbers as well, it's worth noting that the effects of the electoral college is still important.
Dem votes were up in PA and GA from 2020. Maybe other swing states as well, haven't looked. Trump's just went up more.
Either way, I think all of the brilliant minds who decided to withhold their votes for Kamala for whatever reason maybe weren't being very pragmatic given the reality of the binary outcome set.
Does anyone have the % change by state?
Not that I expect to see anything weird, but 12.4% stands out to me.
So Trumps base is just his base. It’s the 100million plus over 18 and probably eligible to vote (extrapolated from 2020 census numbers, with 77.9% over 18) folks sitting this one out or voting 3rd party.
What were the 2016 numbers? I bet his base is right there near 74mil again.
where are the rest of the parties?
On the "no one cares about the other parties" graph
The others are saying no one cares or they don't matter, but they do if that's where those "missing" votes went
According to Wikipedia data, it's a decrease of 0.3 percentage points from 1.9% in 2020 to 1.6% of votes that didn't go democrat or republican.
Though 5% of the votes are still not reported, so that might change still.
In all the swing states they were less than the difference between the two parties.
Eessentially Democrats last i checked and calculated on Friday lost 4 swing states that would change the outcome by around 250k votes.
I'm reporting this. Not beautiful. Very painful. Make me cry.
For fucks sake, THE VOTES ARE NOT ALL COUNTED YET. It is too early to be making graphs like this, its just misleading.
Soooo I thought they were still counting some states? Not enough to change the outcome, but perhaps enough to change assessments about voter engagement.
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