What a swasticuck
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
He looks to be on verge of tears. What a bland life if your identity is so tightly wrapped around the swasticar.
swasti-car? genius
This guy jerks to elons weird chested swimsuit pix.
I knew exactly what you were referring to, and I honestly just have to sit with that for a minute. That's bleak.
What a fucking whiney douchebag. Your solution is to run to mommy and tattle?
What a fucking dork.
Don't worry that you do not have the self awareness to be ashamed and embarrassed about owning a tesla product everyone who sees you driving it is ashamed and embarrassed for you.
Wee wiitle naziwagen
What's the first vehicle slur?
Swastitruck, I guess
I gotta know so I can start using it!
Swastitruck, it seems.
Oh, yeah it could be. The difference in censoring approach confused me.
It took me a few posts to realize it's not satire. He's just rage baiting.
It really comes off as satire on some posts and rage baiting on others. It's really bizarre.
Oh, the TeSSla?
The CybertrucKKK?
Hey look, a Nazimobile!
Well in this case it is clearly a dorkmobile.
Mein Fürher, these people are meeean to me, do something.
That guy walked an extra mile to buy not one of abundant Tesla cars but the elonvan specifically.
I've been calling them cybercucks
Thoughts and prayers
Anyone buying one before was a mug anyone holding onto one deserves the ridicule. It won't go away because you're butthurt and crying to the mods, welcome to the internet it's been 40 years of piss taking and calling out.
How about the 3rd regime mobile
Still leaves 'absurd dumpster truck' and 'blatant waste of money' and 'oversized trashcan lid' and 'penis substitute' wide open.
Is it just me that thinks this is satire? There's no way someone unironically said they'd report negative comments