Don’t bcc your personal email, the internal mail servers can see everything even if the recipients don’t. Better to just screencap when possible.
She unquestionably has some unaddressed, deep seated sexual or gender identity issues. She has said too many times she thinks she’d be trans if she were growing up today, uses a male pen name to write a book about a trans serial killer, can’t stop won’t stop TERFing even now that her lawyers are finally telling her she needs to shut up
Good meme but also I’m guessing they don’t really mind lol
Two cycles ago (Obama v Romney) was the first time a candidate even openly supported gay marriage. We are still in the infancy of queer liberation
This is freaking based
You are interpreting that backwards. I wouldnt say it’s a vegan talking point so much as a non vegan talking point in reverse. It’s commonly argued that because humans have canines were meant to eat meat. Whereas vegans fully acknowledge the capacity to digest meat and evolutionary history that evolved omnivorous diets (but argue the majority of (not all) people have a want rather than a need) . The vegans are just memeing back.
And / or face the consequences social or otherwise
Tl;DR: a key witness that was set to testify against trump in his hush money case might not testify because of a separate deal for his possible perjury
Cars… old cars were indestructible death traps. Crumple zones kill the car and save the human
This is true of just about every story telling trope in every genre of every form of media right now. The gems that stand out genuinely change the formula, because otherwise, we've seen it all before.
Right. The question is less how do we move past trump and more how do we contend with half our population seriously lacking critical thinking skills? We have a crisis on our hands and it isn’t (just) fascism, it’s an inability to correctly process the information of the world around us.